When we moved into this house, the previous owners had (ugly) wall paper boarder in FOUR of the rooms - both bathrooms, the kitchen, and the front living room! Obviously we took it off and what a pain in the butt it was. I've heard so many horror stories about removing wall paper, which makes me never want to use it EXCEPT.....
Martha Stewart is just fabulous when it comes to home decor. I love so many things she does and I was so excited to see her line of products at Home Depot. In the
Home Depot's Fall Dream Book 2010 (full of amazing ideas!) they showed some wall paper by Martha Stewart that I would actually put in my house.

If you turn to page 46 and 47 you'll see a beautiful bathroom with stunning wainscoting, a look I absolutely love. The thing is, wainscoting is pretty expensive and a lot of work to install. Well, not any more! Martha Stewart has a
new product that mimics the look of wainscoting, but it's a fraction of the cost and way easier to install. It's paintable wall paper that looks just like real beadboard. It's just $24.99 for a double roll and you don't need any power tools!
Now I wish I had a free weekend so I could put this wall paper somewhere in my house, maybe in my bedroom :)
Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth