I'm may have posted back in March or April about how I painted the kitchen while my husband was on a business trip. I know it sneaky, but it's better to ask forgiveness than permission (honey, I hope you don't read this) Well, I had a little issue with the green paint. It's a LONG story, but I should have known better. I used a low quality paint (why don't I take my own advice when it comes to painting?) and now I have to re-paint. Please, learn from my mistake.... stay away from cheap paint... buy QUALITY paint.
Well I guess it was a blessing in disguise because I found a picture of a BEAUTIFUL kitchen on http://theletteredcottage.net/before-after and I'm going to copy it :)

My top cupboards are already painted white. I haven't done the bottom ones yet, so I'll just get my can of white paint tinted gray. Then, since my walls are a mess, and I have to re-pain any way, I'm switching it to this off white color called rice grain. I also bought some drapery fabric last time Ikea had their Midnight madness sale for $2 a yard. I'm going to use my new sewing machine and make roman shades for the windows. I'm hoping to have it done by the middle/end of February. I better get started!!
Pictures coming soon!
Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth