The best thing you can do to make your house 100 time more beautiful is keeping your place clean and organized. Ok so I know what you're all thinking "cleaning is so boring, I'd rather be picking out paint colors." It's true, picking out decorating elements would be WAY more fun and interesting, but it's not going to matter if your walls are the perfect shade of "mother of pearl" if your living room looks like a laundry mat exploded in it. Just think, you could have your make-up done by a celebrity make-up artist, but you'll never get prince charming if you have food stuck in your teeth and smell like a locker room.
I decided to start organizing my kitchen. Not only did I want it to be orderly, but I was tired of opening cupboards and seeing stuff all piled in a messy heap. It just looked like an ugly mess. I started with the vitamin cupboard. We have a lot of stuff because there's adult stuff, kid stuff, and infant stuff. We also shop at Costco and have super sized bottles of everything.

I started by throwing out anything past the expiry date. Next I moved half full bottles into smaller bottles, remembering to label them and write the expiry date. I also consolidated doubles of things into one bottle if it would fit.

Next I worked on the spice cupboard. I had been following in my mother's foot steps, buying spices in bags because they were less expensive. Unfortunately, they don't stay very fresh, or organized. I was sick of never being able to find what I needed.

I went to Ikea and bought some empty spice jars. I filled them and labeled them. It's MUCH better now.


I've been organizing a lot lately, so stay tuned for some more pictures!
- Elisabeth
thank you elisabeth for organizing your spices! lol! i've been meaning to organize mine for a while, and my cupboard resembles your 'before' pic. had no idea ikea had spice jars! guess i'll be on my way to burlington soon!! :)